Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fourth of July

We walked to the high school to watch the fireworks again this year.  We were worried that Davin would be scared and/or cranky - he was cranky all day.  But as soon as we saw all the people and kids, we were both running around like crazies.  I begged and pleaded and finally convinced Daddy to use all of his cash to buy us some glow necklaces.  I really wanted the light up swords but Davin and I decided the glow necklaces could be swords too.

When the fireworks started, Davin was a little scared and wanted to sit on Mommy's lap.  I was on Daddy's lap.  After a little while, he decided they were okay and went back to running around and playing.  Every once and a while he'd look up.  He missed a lot of beautiful fireworks!!

That's Davin holding and shaking a glow necklace while watching the fireworks.


Grandpa Jim/Nana Lynn said...

The fireworks looked like a lot of fun and I'm glad you were able to talk your Dad into the glow necklaces -- they made a nice picture for us in the twilight.

Grandma Aileen said...

Everyone on our block party asked about you both. There are lots of kids your age. They got to run around too and play in the bouncy. I saw lots of neat wheel toys that I didn't know existed. Maybe next year you can come and enjoy peaches from our tree and fireworks with us again.