Thursday, December 26, 2013

Fa la la la la

"Deck the halls to be jolly. Fa la la la la la, Fa fa yeah!"

Holiday break is a great time to catch up on homework... and the blog! We'll work on back filling the last two months which were full of family time - happy and sad.

In the meantime, we had a super fun Xmas. We messed around in good holiday spirit.

Santa visited and left a HUGE mess on the rug... again! He also left lots of presents and full stockings!

And it was completed with not one but TWO grandmas coming to visit!


Grandpa Jim/Nana Lynn said...

Wow! You and Davin looked like you made out very well this Christmas. And, you got to have lots of grandmothers around to give you lots of love and attention -- that sounds really nice. Stay warm and have fun (and don't do too much homework)...

Grandma Aileen said...

Lots of building going on here with new tools and magnetic blocks. But the neatest gift was a book on how to play the piano that came with the new house!