Saturday, November 29, 2008

Walking Take 2

So it has come to our attention that some people are not satisfied with the quality of the last video post. While we can't do much about the resolution right now, here's a couple new takes in the daytime, so the lighting might be better. Also the videographer tried to wobble less. Ya'll are so picky!! :-)

Daddy... daddy... yeah daddy... ooh... camera... clunk.

Here I am showing off not one but two new skills - walking and waving bye-bye. I can even say bye-bye, so bye-bye for now.


Anonymous said...

Obviously, it's the camera that's most interesting (or is it Mom?) Thanks for giving us daylight shots of Dahlia's accomplishments. Bye-Bye

Anonymous said...

You are becoming such a speed demon. Now you have to get better at learning when to stop (the camera must have hurt a little)...

Anonymous said...

Nailing the camera was classic!! Thanks, Dahlia, for giving me a good chuckle!! I'm guessing that pretty soon we may be seeing "playing in the snow" pictures.

RGW said...

Wow - awesome! Time to really get the baby gates up!

Happy birthday!