Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Oh deer.

Last night we went for a walk and saw a deer.  We recently discovered that there's a path into the forest at the end of our road... only two blocks away!  The path leads through the forest to a flowing stream.  Right at the entrance to the path, there was a beautiful deer standing, waiting for us.  We walked slowly and the deer let us get within about 10 feet.  Daddy wouldn't let us pet it though - "we don't pet wild animals".  It was still really cool though.

... Davin thought it was a big doggie.  I think we might have convinced him it was a deer by the end of the walk.


Grandpa Jim/Nana Lynn said...

We don't pet our deer, either! But, it was quite cool that you got to see a "wild" deer. Every spring there are many does and fawns that walk through our back yard (they don't seem to notice us; so, they get within a foot or two of us) and every summer, the stags meander through as well. Maybe, someday you and Davin can stay here for awhile and get to see the "big dogs"...

Grandma Aileen said...

How really cool. We get real doggies on leashes around our yard. Many of them you shouldn't pet either.

Its nice to know that Davin knows how to be quiet so you don't scare the deer away.